Dataforms SettingsΒΆ

Below are the available settings for Dataforms that can go in your file.


A dictionary of form fields are available to be used. The dictionary cat contain the following keys:

class:required The full python path to the field class as a string.
widget:required The full python path to the widget as a string.
widget_kwargs:optional A dictionary on arguments to pass to the widget.
widget_attrs:optional A dictionary of widget attrs to pass to the widget.

Here is what is in FIELD_MAPPINGS by default:

        'TextInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.CharField', 'widget': 'django.forms.TextInput' },
        'Textarea' : { 'class': 'django.forms.CharField', 'widget': 'django.forms.Textarea' },
        'Select' : { 'class': 'django.forms.ChoiceField', 'widget': 'django.forms.Select' },
        'SelectMultiple' : { 'class': 'django.forms.MultipleChoiceField', 'widget': 'django.forms.SelectMultiple' },
        'RadioSelect' : { 'class': 'django.forms.ChoiceField', 'widget': 'django.forms.RadioSelect' },
        'Password' : { 'class': 'django.forms.CharField', 'widget': 'django.forms.PasswordInput', 'widget_kwargs' : { 'render_value' : True } },
        'Email' : { 'class': 'django.forms.EmailField', 'widget': 'django.forms.TextInput' },
        'DateField' : { 'class': 'django.forms.DateField', 'widget': 'django.forms.DateTimeInput', 'widget_attrs' : { 'class' : 'datepicker' } },
        'CheckboxInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.BooleanField', 'widget': 'django.forms.CheckboxInput' },
        'CheckboxSelectMultiple': { 'class': 'django.forms.MultipleChoiceField', 'widget': 'django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple' },
        'HiddenInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.Field', 'widget': 'django.forms.HiddenInput' },
        'FileInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.FileField', 'widget': 'django.forms.ClearableFileInput' },
        'ImageFileInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.ImageField', 'widget': 'django.forms.ClearableFileInput' },
        'IntegerInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.IntegerField', 'widget': 'django.forms.TextInput' },
        'DecimalInput' : { 'class': 'django.forms.DecimalField', 'widget': 'django.forms.TextInput' },
        # Note Widget:  This is a way you can add sub headings to your forms.  See - dataforms.widgets.NoteWidget
        'Note' : { 'class': 'django.forms.CharField', 'widget': 'dataforms.widgets.NoteWidget' },
A path relative to the MEDIA_ROOT where to store file uploads for Dataforms
Be sure to add a trailing shash.
default = ‘uploads/’
The maximum size for an individual file upload in bytes. This should be a integer.
default = 10485760
A tuple of field keys in DATAFORMS_FIELD_MAPPINGS that should be treated as upload fields.
default = (‘FileInput’, ‘ImageFileInput’)
A tuple of field keys in DATAFORMS_FIELD_MAPPINGS that should be treated as boolean fields.
default = (‘CheckboxInput’,)
A tuple of field keys in DATAFORMS_FIELD_MAPPINGS that should be treated as single choice fields.
default = (‘Select’, ‘RadioSelect’)
A tuple of field keys in DATAFORMS_FIELD_MAPPINGS that should be treated as single choice fields.
default = (‘SelectMultiple’, ‘CheckboxSelectMultiple’)
A tuple of field keys in DATAFORMS_FIELD_MAPPINGS that should be treated as a comma-delimited string
This can be usefull for choice fields that have numbers as their values.
default = ()
The delimiter to be used in the creation of a field name.
default = ‘__’
The module path that conains and django form validation that will be used with dataforms.
See Dataforms Form Validation for details.
default = ‘validation’
Specify where or not to use remote JQuery libraries.
default = True